vibration monitoring system for construction

Without continually monitoring HAVS, how do you defend yourself in the face of litigation?

Without continually monitoring HAVS, how do you defend yourself in the face of litigation? This is the “Million Dollar” question, as without being able to prove your business has taken enough measures and the correct steps to reduce the risk to As Low As Reasonably Practicable, your business maybe left with injured workers and exposed […]

Without continually monitoring HAVS, how do you defend yourself in the face of litigation? Read More »

Raynaud’s Awareness Month 2024

Raynaud’s Awareness Month 2024 Given that February is the national Raynaud’s Awareness Month 2024 (  dedicated to raising awareness of Raynaud’s Syndrome and the effects it can have, we want to reiterate the significance of appropriately managing the risks of Raynaud’s and HAVS in your organisation and eliminate the potential human toll of any mismanagement.

Raynaud’s Awareness Month 2024 Read More »

The Legal Side of HAVS: Compliance and Consequences for Businesses

Every employer, no matter the size or nature of their operation, has a duty of care when it comes to the safety of their employees and must carry out accurate risk assessments. Failing to follow these legal requirements, can result in serious consequences for a business. If your business doesn’t comply with the regulations around

The Legal Side of HAVS: Compliance and Consequences for Businesses Read More »

What’s the difference? – Tool mounted and Wearable monitoring systems.

What’s the difference between tool mounted and Wearable monitoring systems? This is a question we often get asked and one we’re always happy to answer. Having a tool mounted monitoring system, over a wearable monitor, such as a watch, removes variables that effect the data gathered. With wearable tech, there are still questions around the

What’s the difference? – Tool mounted and Wearable monitoring systems. Read More »