HAVSPRO features: How to measure vibration
Let us explain how to measure vibration to get the most accurate data available:
Unlike other monitoring devices on the market today, HAVSPRO
measures vibration on the tool itself.
It monitors individual tool vibration levels and the exposure each person has to it.
HAVSPRO then collates all this data and creates customisable reports to help you prevent overexposure.
You can easily identify risk and design actions to reduce it to as low as reasonably practicable as prescribed by the HSE.
HAVSPRO takes accurate real-time vibration measurements from each tool being used.
These readings might vary depending on the way that tool is being used. For example, the vibration levels on a single tool will be different depending on how it is being held. The condition of the tool or consumables, such as drill bits or blades, and the material it is working on can also have an impact on the vibration levels experienced by the user.
HAVSPRO shows you how to measure vibration levels accurately, regardless of the other variables in play, giving you accurate vibration levels experienced by each member of staff.
10 minutes on a pneumatic hammer (10 to 29m/s2)
could give anything from 33 to 281 HSE points
Such large ranges can lead to huge margins of error. This will result in an increased risk of accidental over-exposure, with significant consequences.
HAVSPRO collates data from each operator and sends it to a cloud-based dashboard which can be used to create or modify risk assessments.
The data collected, and the reports produced, can all be used to increase productivity, For example, initiating shorter run times or more frequent user rotation in response to high vibration levels, developing meaningful manpower schedules, evaluating tool types, planning efficient tool use and effective job rotation, as well as identify possible training needs.
And this is how to measure vibration – with technology that measures at source and provides accurate data in the form of actionable warnings.
So the next time you are considering how to measure vibration levels, think HAVSPRO!

Analytic reporting at its very best
HAVSPRO provides fully auditable and tamper-proof data management.
Our reporting dashboard gives authorised users access to a wide variety of online reports. These can be quickly and easily used to identify and manage previously unrecognised risk as well as to identify trends and training opportunities.
Because HAVSPRO sensors measure information at source (on each individual tool) and personal HSE points are accrued on each activity, the data provides clear insights which can guide informed decisions and risk reduction. HAVSPRO provides clear and precise knowledge which allows risk levels to be kept as low as reasonably practicable.
The reports provide a detailed analysis of tools used as well as those not used, help to identify those used incorrectly or for the wrong purpose, their duration of use, and offer indication of any tool performance deterioration. They can highlight if one operator is consistently recording higher vibration exposure on any specific tool, if a tool is malfunctioning, or perhaps not being used for intended purpose, whether or not it is maintained in safe condition, or might have been dropped or damaged.
One feature unique to HAVSPRO is the weekly summary reports which can be automatically sent to designated users. These provide an overview for higher level managers offering clear insights that health and safety personnel can use to make informed decisions and reduce risk (to ALARP). Furthermore, the smart technology allows supervisors or management to record and save details of any risk-reduction actions taken and any recommendations made to operators (in terms of training or tool use) which can be stored and retained for future use.
Alerts, Reports and Planning
HAVSPRO alerts and reports make planning easy

- Text and email alerts when a person experiences an EAV breach. We call this an amber warning.
- When a person reaches 90% of ELV you will receive a text and email warning.
- All warnings, amber and red, can be configured to suit your business
- All warning alerts, text and email, can be configured to go to the user and/or the manager and/or senior stakeholders.

- Operator HAV exposure
- Operator WBV (whole body vibration) exposure
- Accumulated HSE points
- Summaries of personal and EAV and ELV alarms
- Tools being used
- Tools not being used
- Tools regularly emitting high vibration values
- Operators accumulating highest for EAV or ELV
- Tool usage and condition
- Track tool deterioration
- Tools accumulating highest number of EAV and ELV breaches
- Other fully customisable data to suit customer needs

- Identify training need
- Accurately plan work schedules
- Accurately understand needs for automation or job rotation
- Understand effectiveness of risk assessments
- Monitoring of tool condition
- Understand effectiveness of consumables being used
HAVSPRO Alerts and Reports
The HAVSPRO reporting suite is fully customisable to allow operators, supervisors and managers the option to see the data that is valuable to them and pertinent to their needs on a bespoke dashboard designed to provide easy-access information at a glance.
- View total HSE points accumulated during the working day
- Alerts indicate when EAV is reached (amber light), when 90% of ELV (amber and red lights) and when 100% ELV is reached (red light)
- Allows self-assessment of work patterns and methods
- Email and text alerts sent to phone waning of EAV and ELV status
- Ensures self-management of HAVS risk
- Receive email and text alerts when EAV and ELV breaches occur for any operator
- Option to view each operator’s vibration levels and assess their tool use
- Option to monitor any changes to vibration levels on each tool/vehicle (which might indicate user error, malfunctioning or damaged tool, or deteriorating consumables)
- View accumulating HSE points for all operators in real time (allows for timely intervention)
- Weekly summary reports of warnings (heeded and ignored), high output tools/equipment
- Option to view each operator’s accumulated vibration levels and assess the efficiency of their working methods
- Monitor tool use and create an accurate awareness of high output tools
- Real time data which allows informed decisions to reduce risk (to ALARP)
- View vibrational activities on each site independently
- Weekly summary reports of warnings (heeded and ignored), high output tools/equipment
- Details of risk-reduction actions stored and retained